Sunday, January 24, 2010

down with tylenol! ibuprofen ftw!

went out with karen last night and had a splendid time..didn't end up getting home until 5:30.  when i woke up i had a little headache going so i took a tylenol thinking nothing of it.  yeah...i should have.  i spent the next 9 hours throwing up a total of 7 times.  you're probably thinking this has something to do with the alcohol i consumed last night..and you are only partially correct.  apparently tylenol is really bad to mix with alcohol and some people have this same reaction to it.  weird.

the one good thing that came out of my day of misery is i discovered dorm life on hulu.  it's an internet based showed kinda similar to undeclared.  all of the episodes are only about 5-10 min. long so i finished the entire first season and a few episodes of the second.  everyone should check it out considering it takes 0 time to watch it and it will make you nostalgic for the good ol' days of staying up late to play strip asshole.  that's all for now...time for bed at the wee of 4:15.  that it what i get for sleeping all day.

Monday, January 18, 2010

things that are currently making me happy...

1.) any and all forms of ginger ale.  actually, that's not quite true.  i want my ginger ale to have more ginger and none of them seem to have quite enough so i might need to upgrade to ginger beer.  in the meantime, i will enjoy my current selection made by old dominion brewery

2.) season 5 of lost.  we just finished disk three and i've finally gotten back into it.  i don't think it hurts that they're currently in the '70s so all of their houses are furnished in mid-century mod furniture with more plaid than i can shake a stick at (this makes me extra happy).  three (?) more disks left until we're done season 5 and ready for the series finale.  i have a feeling there are going to be many lost viewing parties starting in feb.

3.) the gibson in dc which is a modern day version of a speakeasy.  all of the drinks are made with only ingredients that would have been around during prohibition.  they're ultra expensive but also ultra alcoholic and are out of control delicious.  their whole deal is that they let only enough patrons in to fill the empty seats.  in order to get in, you give them your number..they then give you a call while you're out on the town and let you know a table has opened up.  you have x amount of min. to get there before they give your table away.  it was SO fun and i highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good place in DC.  it's at 2009 14th Street NW.

4.) the nice guy with his girlfriend who sat and had a drink with the caps wizard.  that sentence is probably a bit confusing..but there is a season ticket holder who goes to all the caps games and wears a cape while brandishing some glowing wizard orbs.  anyway, kevin and i saw him at this bar after the game and he was eating all by himself...i had a hard time not crying at the sight.  of course, social anxiety took over would never allow me to sit and have a drink with him by myself so i was ELATED when this "cooler" looking gent and his girlfriend sat down to have a drink with him.  i was so afraid they were going to mock him or something but they ended up chilling for a good 10 min. (presumably talking about the caps and how awesome his cloak was).  at this point i was so happy that i did start misting up but only because i couldn't deal with how darling this fellow caps fan was being.  the couple's pager buzzed so they went to their table and the wizard flew off and i sat in a happy little bubble UNTIL the fucks next to me started laughing at him.  now i'm sorry, i understand it might be an amusing sight to see someone in a cape because it is a little effing strange, but clearly he had just come from the game.  and this my friends, this inability to accept anyone who has a little "weird" to them or anyone who doesn't have some loud mouth drunk girl on their arm or someone who wears chucks to a bar...this is why i sometimes find it *slightly* hard to hang out in some areas of dc.  not sayin' baltimore doesn't have their fair share of the exact some db's...they are just running rampant in our nation's capital.  also, they were drinking budweiser at a bar that boasted at least 50 different beers on tap (whyyy??).  but i digress, the moral of this story is that i love nice people.  people with manners, class and a side of sass.

5.)  my new dress.  the color isn't really coming across in this random picture i stole from the internet..but i love it!

that's all for's hulu and ginger ale time

Friday, January 15, 2010

day off..

i haven't updated since tuesday...whoops.  things have been super busy at work with all of the training for the new position.  the deeper i get into learning yet another task that i could have been trained in without going to college, the more i realize, I need another degree!!  because, why not?

having said that, my day off should be much more relaxing.  i watched the season premier of project runway last night and so far it looks like it's going to be 10x better than last season.  i don't know if it's because it moved to lifetime or what, but the people they picked last season were just ehh.  plus it makes me happy that they're back in nyc and tim gunn is that much closer to me.  love that man.  i also made roasted red pepper and corn chowder (my books came...they WERE afraid of chuck).  it was also ehh so that was a little sad.  but alas, i must remember that so much of cooking is trial and error.  i just wish these experiments didn't result in a $46 grocery bill for one meal.

the rest of today will consist of running errands that i'm too effing lazy to run after work during the week.  some hat shopping here...running to the bank there.  possibly followed by some federal hill time with kurnn and laliela.  this will all depend on how much i get done today because tomorrrrrrooooowwww kevin and i are headed to dc!  normally i'd want to kill myself at the thought of plopping myself down in the land of black pea coats but we've actually planned quite an exciting journey.  all of which will end with a caps game v. the flyers on sunay.  super excited about it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

this isn't a game here, okay? this isn't the nba and my name isn't charles buckley

eric has reminded me that michael ian black and michael showalter are going to be at ottobar on feb. 13 (it's a saturday).  tickets are $20. any takers? ehhh? ehhhhh?

Monday, January 11, 2010

weekend and a new job title!

kevin, rachel, bryan, and i saw precious at the charles on friday.  it was absolutely incredible--i highly recommend going to see it if you haven't already.  it's disturbingly voyeuristic in the watching-a-kid-get-slapped-by-his-mom in public kind of way.  however, there was nothing gratuitous about it.  every scene in the movie served a purpose and there were even some surprisingly funny parts.  i'd liken it to a movie like kids..

and in completely unrelated news, i'm no longer the e-commerce manager at bratt decor.  i'm going to be taking over a lot of the accounting and insurance.  i'm a bit apprehensive as i'm not huge on confrontation and i'm not trying to get yelled at by bill collectors all day...but at least it's a change of pace and will challenge me a bit more than my current position (goooo math!)

in conclusion, i'd love it if amazon would deliver my books.  according to their estimate, USPS can take up to 28 days to deliver my package and they have "no control" over this.  this does not seem right?  imma get chuck on the case.

Friday, January 08, 2010

bmore shore

courtesy of my roommate, scott daniel siskind. we cannot stop watching this freakin' show. it all started on that snowy saturday and we haven't looked back. except kevin who can't wrap his head around it.

happy new year!

the purpose of all this, not that anyone asked, is to chronicle 2010. it's also to entertain myself and hopefully others while at work for 9 hours a day. so without further ado, mah life.